Fire Sprinkler Videos
BBC’s ‘Inside Out’
This is a story run by BBC’s ‘Inside Out’ about a tragic incident in which 4 young children died in a house fire in Derbyshire. Their Mother, who survived the fire, relates a very tragic tale. Nick Ross who is an active supporter of fire sprinkler systems contributes to the article:
City of Fresno Fire department
This is a rather amusing video put together by the City of Fresno Fire department. You will notice that a number of sprinkler companies use the strap line “its like having a Fire Man in every room”
This video plays on that theme:
Effective Fire Sprinkler Systems
There are many videos available which demonstrate the effectiveness of fire sprinkler systems. Here is a typical example:
….and another demonstration, this time of a simulated fire warehouse fire which although related to a commercial fire sprinkler system demonstrates very well the effectiveness of these systems…